And you, being dead in your
trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together
with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses.
Colossians 2:13
You will never be sure that
you have God’s unmerited favor if you are not sure if God has forgiven you of
your sins. Beloved, I want you to know that your sins are forgiven not
according to the riches of your good works, but according to the riches of God’s
grace (unmerited favor). All your sins—past, present and future—have been
forgiven. Don’t draw a timeline of God’s forgiveness of your sins. There are
some Christians who believe that the forgiveness they received spans only from
the day they were born to the day they became Christians. From that point
onwards, they think that they need to tread very carefully in case they lose
their salvation. This belief is simply unscriptural. Colossians 2:13 states
clearly that we have been forgiven of all our sins.
Does “all” mean the same
thing to you as it does to me? My Bible says that all our sins have been
forgiven by Jesus’ one sacrifice on the cross. We have been forgiven once and
for all! The high priests in the old covenant had to offer sacrifices for sins daily.
But Jesus, our perfect new covenant High Priest, offered the complete, perfect
sacrifice “once for all when He offered up Himself” (Hebrews 7:27).
On the cross, He took upon Himself all the sins that you will commit in your
lifetime, and once for all paid the full price for all your sins. Christ does
not need to be crucified again for your future sins. In fact, all your sins
were in the future when He died on the cross. So when you received Jesus into
your heart, ALL your sins were completely forgiven!
Now that you know that your sin debt has been completely cleared and settled by Jesus on your behalf, don’t expect God to deal with you according to your sins. When something negative happens, don’t imagine that God is coming after you because of what you did in the past. Instead, take God at His Word and expect to enjoy the benefits of the heavy price Jesus paid at the cross for you. We sowed nothing good, but through Jesus, we have reaped every good blessing. That, my friend, is called unmerited favor. And you honor what He has done for you by thanking Him and expecting these blessings to manifest in your life every day. (Article & Picture; courtesy of Joseph Prince Ministries used with kind permission).
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